The freedom to create whatever I want. Illustrator has all the tools I need to complete any task. And anything that can be done on Photoshop can also be done within Illustrator. Of course illustrator is used les for photo editing, but it is useful to share functions. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
The placement of tools differ from programme to programme. Artboards, selections, swatches, brushes sometimes appear in different places on Indesign as they do in Illustrator. Now I know I could set cutom presets and workplaces, but sometimes I prefer to use the default. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
I like Photoshop because of the limitless capabilitys of it I started Learning on Photoshop CS6 and to see what it has become since then is Amazing but at the same time I have to puppydog tilt my head at some of the changes made. to it like them removing the Render Lighting feature that was in it. i used it all the time to help Light my images the way you would in 3d. they added alot of features like Nueral filters that rival Remini.ai for photo. restoration. I have been using the skin smoothing feature. for som recent work done with a Local Sorority. overall photoshop has been the leader and is still leading when it comes to creative expression when building digital art and creating image composites. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
I disliked that they took away my render lighting feature. I find my self using layer blend modes more often now to compensate for the lost feature. over the years its just become so expensive i had to move away from it for my freelance. just because i don't need the stress of another monthly bill. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
After Effects is more than the swiss army knife of video production. It can do anything. I've been using it for over 20 years and it's come from strength to strength.
I'll use it for the obvious: motion graphics. But I've even used it as an editor, when I didn't have access to other tools. A compositing tool for VFX as well as a look dev and final comper for CGI and animation work. Oh! And I did 2 full 2D cutout animation series on it, rigs and all.
Did I mention you can extend After Effects in so many ways? Either by buying plugins and scripts or creating them yourself? Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
I used to be terribly critical of After Effects, but Adobe has improved it so much over the years, I have little bad things to say about it. For most uses it is my tool of choice. For VFX compositing I still prefer Nuke. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
Im a graphic designer in the funeral program industry and i like the fact that illustrator can make some of the crazy edits clients ask for. The isolation mode i use religiously when working to pop in and out of objects just by double clicking. switiching to other softwares that dont have this feature is slightly cumbersome but it not that hard to re-adjust.
i use it to create funeral programs; i created my own templates, that i use every day to build custome funeral programs. Editing terribly delivered photos in photoshop and importing them into Illustrator. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
I can't use most of the 3d features due to the graphics power it consumes. when using these features i always get hangups on the project and most of the time it just altogether crashes. i dont even attempt the AI tools they integrated because of that reason;as cool as it looks, most of the time ai tools just create more frustration. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
It is very capable at editing my photos. It has many features that work well with Adobe Lightroom Classic (I'll call that "Lightroom" from here onwards). I tend to use Lightroom for most of my photo editing and organising, and switch to Photoshop for more significant amendments, such as removing larger distracting objects, or applying colour gradients. I found that Lightroom was fairly intuitive to learn, but that Photoshop has a much steeper, less intuitive, learning curve. It was quite easy to implement. Customer support is OK, but not especially good compared to other software. There are many reources available on YouTube that are, in my opinion, better than Adobe's own customer support. I am a regular user of both Photoshop and Lightroom. Lightroom and Photoshop work well in conjunction with each other, and also with other software as plug ins. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
It seems to be way too heavily focused on making their customers pay more and there's too much AI involved for my liking. They regularly asked me to provide feedback about why I wasn't prepared to recommed their product to my friends. I told them in every survey that they are too expensive and I'd only recommend their product if it was significantly less expensive. They completely ignored my feedback and are now about to increase their prices even further. I think I will soon stop subscribing and swith to Affinity instead. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
- Quality of the product delivery
- Being able to get transcript of a video and create the captions within your production period without having to go to another tool
- Large variety of exporting type of files and being able to play with the quality to adjust the size needed of the file without loosing quality
- How well it links the audio editions with Audition Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
- I feel like the integration with After Effects could be better
- I wish we could have a way to compress renders for social media size requirements wich usually goes from 10 MB to 50MB but when you create a video with lots of effects and in high quality and also it's long it's hard to get to the 50 MB for example that is a constant requirement for me and I get videos of 20 min ish. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
Since it’s vector-based, designs stay crisp no matter how much you resize them. Perfect for logos and illustrations.
Once you master it, you can create almost any shape with smooth curves and sharp angles.
You can manipulate text in super creative ways, with custom kerning, warping, and outlines.
Having multiple artboards in one file makes it easy to work on different variations of a design at once.
The ability to create and apply unique brushes adds an organic touch to digital artwork. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
Tools like the Pen Tool and Pathfinder can be frustrating at first, especially for beginners. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
Few other pieces of software are so easily used by such a wide range of skill-set. After Effects can be utilized with a more basic understanding utilizing a plethora of templates or is more than up to the task of creating extremely complex graphics from an advanced user. That's the real power of the software -- it's ready to grow with you. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
I'm still not a huge fan of dynamic linking. Typically I render and export a comp in After Effects and then bring that final rendered file into Premiere Pro for mastering. The software also often does not play well with Media Encoder. I prefer to encode from After Effects even though the compression options are fewer -- it also crashed less often using this method. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
I love the freedom of using combinations of tools and effects to get a desired result. I can create almost any new photo in Adobe Photoshop that looks real. I can adjust lighting, take out objects, extend backgrounds, or even create a totally styled effect that looks like a painting. Anything is possible really!
Also, if I ever want to learn something new, many tutorials are at my fingertips. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
Photoshop requires a long time and many many tutorials to create anything desirable. It looks very daunting to new users. Also, I think it has too many features it doesn't need - like video editing. I like to leave that to Premier. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
I love the possibilities with PS are endless, whatever you imagine you can make it happen with this software. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
I wish the cloning stamp tool would be smarter, it does exactly what you are telling it to do/clone but I wish it would be smart enough to understand the concept and improve the experience.
I also would like to see more inbuilt presets to edit photography, I use lightroom to do this prior editing in PS but if PS had more preset for quicker editing it would be the dream software Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.