G2 Ratings & Reviews - Syndicated Data Usage & Attribution Requirements

We are excited that you want to support your users with high quality product reviews for software. In order to support your syndication of our ratings and reviews we’ve provided access to our API. These requirements describe the properties to which an API specification and related implementation must adhere in order to be considered “aligned” to G2 standards.

Customers with access to G2 API must comply to the G2 Data & Content Usage Guidelines.

An API implemented in accordance with the requirements will have the following features:

  • Complies with G2 Data & Content Usage Guidelines
  • Complies with G2 Privacy Policy
  • Source data attribution in the form of a link back to G2 website Home Page, https://www.g2.com
  • Source data attribution in the form of a link back to product review web page(s) on G2 website
    • Ex. https://www.g2.com/products/productname/reviews

The following stipulations must be expressly adhered to before using our API services:

  1. You are not allowed to white-label our data without our approval
  2. You must follow attribution requirements as outlined in this guide. It may be done in different ways. If you are unsure please contact us. G2 reserves the right to determine what kind of attribution is sufficient, therefore, it may vary from case to case.
  3. You cannot change names of our metrics.
  4. You cannot change the order of display of our metrics. You may however omit metrics. An example would be displaying ratings data without reviews. However, should you choose to display both, ratings must always be followed by the review as can be seen on our website. Reviews should not be followed by ratings.
  5. Data may not be altered in any way that is currently not supported on the G2 website.

Attribution Requirements

Attribution can be satisfied in multiple ways based on how you decide to display our data. This guide outlines multi-product landing page, iframe or custom inline web page display scenarios.

  • Multi-product landing page - a landing page that supports multiple products with either aggregate rating or referenced single product ratings/reviews.
  • iFrame - an inline frame used to embed another document into the current HTML document.
The page where this is displayed must not be:
  • Blocked in the robots.txt file of the hosting website
  • Using the following meta robots page level directives - nofollow,noindex or index,nofollow

Attribution Types & Usage:

  1. Required - Image Link to Home Page - Images have a transparent background and can be resized via inline styling as needed.
  2. G2 logo to be used on white and light colored background.

    <a class="x-g2-link-home" href="https://www.g2.com" title="G2"> <img src="https://tracking.g2crowd.com/logo/dark" alt= "G2"/></a>

    G2 logo to be used on any background.

    <a class="x-g2-link-home" href="https://www.g2.com" title="G2"> <img src="https://tracking.g2crowd.com/logo/rorange" alt= "G2"/></a>

    G2 logo to be used on dark colored background.

    <a class="x-g2-link-home" href="https://www.g2.com" title="G2"> <img src="https://tracking.g2crowd.com/logo/light" alt= "G2"/></a>
  3. Text Link to Home Page - for use on any page that displays multiple product ratings/reviews directly or in reference.
    • <a class="x-g2-link-home" href="https://www.g2.com" title="G2"> G2 </a>
      <a class="x-g2-link-home" href="https://www.g2.com" title="G2"> G2 </a>
  4. Text Link to Product Page - for use on any page displaying a specific product’s rating/reviews or aggregate rating.
    • <a class="x-g2-link-product" href="{secure URL to product reviews page without parameters}" title= "{Product or Service Name} Review on G2”> {Product or Service Name} Review - G2 </a>
If Using iFrame Implementation:

If embedding as iframe, please ensure the following:

  1. The iframe src URL (source URL) must have a canonical tag <link href="https://www.g2.com" rel="canonical" > in the <head>...</head> code
  2. The iframe target URL, if included, must be the secure URL to the product review URL on www.g2.com
  3. iframe must but wrapped in a <div> container that includes the following class, class=”x-g2-iframe”.
Verification Script:

Include the G2 Partner Verification Script for implementation validation.

Please contact your Salesperson for access to the script.