WHIZTEC Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) solution uses role- and relationship-based rules to help you manage your procurement process in real-time.
WHIZTEC Supply Chain Management is a Supply chain management (SCM) that involves the flow of material, information and finance in a network of customers, suppliers, manufacturers, logistics providers and distributors. WHIZTEC Supply Management Solutions provide advanced tools and intelligence to drastically reduce supply management costs.
WHIZTEC Human Capital Management (HCM) offers comprehensive human resource management capabilities, from workforce management to compensation and talent management.
WHIZTEC web based ERP enables companies to streamline business processes, collaborate with all stakeholders and gain real-time visibility into key data, thereby empowering your employees to take quick, appropriate action.
WHIZeCargo is a web-based agile enterprise resource planning application for the shipping, logistics and maritime industry; covers all aspects of pricing, operations management, inventory management, customer relationship management, supplier management, human resource management, and financials.