verbTEAMS is a customizable mobile sales enablement platform that transforms your marketing materials into sales tools for the one-to-one sales engagement. Turn videos, brochures, case studies, and more into beautiful sales presentations that can be shared with customers.
Create interactive livestreams in just a matter of seconds. Share interactive buttons so your audience can engage with you and purchase your products effortlessly right in your stream.
Designed to inspire action while your contact’s interest is at its highest, verbMAIL is the future of email. Interactions allow recipients to schedule a demo, view a product listing, open a PDF, connect via social, and more, all without ever leaving the video. verbMAIL enables you to create and send interactive videos directly from your Outlook account in just a few clicks: When composing an email, simply select the verbMAIL add-in, choose whether to record or upload a video, add your interactive buttons, and send!