An online health and safety software to effectively manage EHS data Category EHS:
IndustrySafe is a web-based (SaaS) safety management software that allows numerous organizations to track, manage, and comply with environmental, health, and safety regulations.
Explore our award-winning learning management system and SaaS-based performance support solutions for tracking, reporting and consuming online content. Plus, discover how our cloud-based incident tracking software can allow you to effectively monitor workplace injury trends in real-time, identify hazards and improve safety overall. Learn about our microlearning app, which delivers bite-sized training clips at the point of need, or competency assessments, which help identify the skills gaps between your employees’ existing knowledge vs. their development goals.
Our K-12 safety suite has been created specifically with the busy school administrator in mind. Unlike other providers, we haven’t repurposed manufacturing-oriented solutions, so every SafeSchools program fits your unique safety and compliance needs! Our customers who have implemented our solutions well have seen a meaningful reduction in injuries and losses, resulting in significant savings each year. But more importantly, they're making their schools even safer for students and staff!