Reson8Direct is a web-based application for managing the email groups, creating email templates, creating email campaigns and scheduling and reviewing broadcast campaigns.
AssetTrax is a mobile client-server solution for managing and tracking fixed and mobile assets. To catalog all assets within an organization and to track asset assignment, rental, transfer, depreciation, disposal, and audit to protect the organization's investment and property.
PharmaWorx is a tablet-based closed loop marketing (CLM) solution for the Pharmaceutical.
Reson8 Messaging Server is a complete text Messaging solution enabling organisations to provide SMS messaging facilities to their personnel and corporate information systems using existing messaging infrastructure and line of business applications.
SalesWorx is a top quality mobile sales solution that offers customizable customer & product information & customer visit management - a complete tool optimized for field sales professionals.
Mobile Field Sales Management Solution is a key requirement for fast-moving businesses today. Unique Computer Systems integrated solution for mobile field sales can increase your field sales representatives’ effectiveness and productivity while reducing their downtime, by providing faster, easier, and up-to-date access to their business-critical information on enterprise systems, corporate databases and applications. SalesWorx is a top-quality mobile sales solution that offers customizable customer & product information & customer visit management – a complete tool optimized for field sales professionals.