PriceVision is a commodity price forecasting platform intended to help farmers, corporate and government organisations to take correct buy/sell decisions w.r.t to a commodity and avoid potential losses during local market sale, trades (import/export) or bulk procurement . PriceVision uses machine learning & artificial intelligence technologies to analyze the historical price trends of commodities and potential demand drivers to generate more accurate price forecasts incorporating the impact of both micro and macro-economic factors & other drivers of the commodity prices. As of now, the tool has multiple commodities enabled across various sectors (agri, metals, energy, chemicals etc.) and has consistently been providing high forecast accuracy
ThouSense , is an advanced demand forecasting platform which is intended to help Demand planning teams with accurate short and long term forecasts using the power of machine learning. It combines information such as historical sales, daily demand and real time signals from all points in the supply chain with diverse external business indicators to generate these accurate forecasts.