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Thomson Reuters

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Concourse Legal Hold

1 review

Concourse Legal Hold helps you draft and distribute a notice to all legal hold "custodians." Upload files for custodian review, create surveys to gain insight into their information, automate reminders for non-responders, and track any hold's progress.

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1 review

Mattersphere is a matter management solution that provides an integrated front office solution for legal professionals with tools to help you manage clients, matters and associated details.

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Aumentum Tax

1 review

Aumentum Tax simplifies revenue management

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Case Logistix

1 review

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Fraud Detect

0 reviews

Thomson Reuters® Fraud Detect combines industry-leading expertise and innovative analytics, fueled by program data and CLEAR proprietary & public records data, to detect anomalies and patterns within program.

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Practice CS

0 reviews

World-class practice management software for accountants

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CLEAR ID Confirm

0 reviews

Thomson Reuters CLEAR ID Confirm is the premium electronic identity verification solution infused with public records data. Customizable for your organization’s needs, minimize the potential for fraud and meet regulatory requirements.

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ONESOURCE Statutory Reporting Software

0 reviews

Thomson Reuters ONESOURCE Statutory Reporting is leading cloud-based disclosure management software, helping you remain compliant in over 45 jurisdictions. A global platform that supports you locally, ONESOURCE Statutory Reporting software includes local language, country-specific reporting templates, and timely best-practice content updates from Big Four accounting firms and in-house content experts.

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Audit training and consulting for accounting professionals

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Levvy App

1 review

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Levvy is a next generation work management platform built to support outsourced teams of any size across accounting and business services.

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Thomson Reuters Reviews

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Star Rating
Maria P.
Validated Reviewer
Verified Current User
Review source: Seller invite
Incentivized Review

Good practical law tool that is easy to use as a great resource

I like that it is easy to use, offers an excellent guide for the legal world, and provides valuable resources and law templates that make all work in specific areas easier. I also like the contact forms and how to get information on legal issues.
Astrid D.
Validated Reviewer
Verified Current User
Review source: Seller invite
Incentivized Review

Westlaw an easy to use product with a simplified guide for legal research

I like that it's great because it provides helpful features for legal research and offers easy-to-understand how-to guides. I liked that it provides a file system that gives us essential information that can be very useful.
Pauline R.
Validated Reviewer
Verified Current User
Review source: Seller invite
Incentivized Review

Easy-to-use tool for collecting legal data and other great features

I liked the ease of use and intuitive interface and its search for legal investigations because it shows texts and court reports that may be relevant to our work needs.



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