Thomson Reuters ONESOURCE Indirect Tax Sales & Use Tax Compliance solution has the power and flexibility to streamline the tax return process. The end-to-end, Web-based solution empowers users with complete control. The outcome: improved efficiency, reduced costs and eliminated software maintenance.
GoFileRoom not only lets you easily store and manage documents electronically, it also helps you automate scanning processes and workflow.
Accounting CS puts your write-up, trial balance, payroll compliance, and client accounting software on a single platform, creating powerful connections between clients, information, and applications.
Practical Law is an online legal resource for legal professionals looking to get up to speed quickly and stay current with changes in the law. With Practical Law, access thousands of how-to guides, templates, checklists, comparison charts, and more, all written and maintained by experienced attorneys. Stay up-to-date and practice efficiently with Thomson Reuters Practical Law.
Checkpoint provides them with fast access to thoroughly integrated and up-to-date research materials, editorial insight, productivity tools, online learning, news updates, and marketing resources
Firm Central simplifies your workday by providing a single online location to access a wealth of features designed to make it even more efficient to manage your law firm and perform client work.
Know today. Navigate tomorrow. In an era of unprecedented change, we are delivering innovative technology and AI that empower professionals to confidently address the complexities of today and the unknowns of tomorrow.