Apache Gobblin is a distributed data integration framework designed to simplify common aspects of big data integration such as data ingestion, replication, organization and lifecycle management for both streaming and batch data ecosystems.
Lift is the most powerful, most secure web framework available today.
Hazaar MVC is an advanced and flexible PHP 5.3+ framework designed for rapid development of today's dynamic, real-time web applications.
Apache Celix is an implementation of the OSGi specification adapted to C and C++. It is a provides a framework to develop (dynamic) modular software applications using component and/or service-oriented programming.
A workflow processing engine for data transformation pipelines, written in Java. With desktop and web GUIs for pipeline construction & operation, and workflow management. No code pipeline configuration. Extensive connections & transform ability.
Apache SensSoft is a line of products that provides components needed for tracking, analyzing and visualizing user event data.
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