Apache Anakia is an XML transformation tool which uses JDOM and Velocity to transform XML documents into the format of your choice.
Apache Rivet is a powerful, flexible, consistent, fast, and robust solution to creating web applications.
Apache REEF (Retainable Evaluator Execution Framework) is a library for developing portable applications for cluster resource managers such as Apache Hadoop YARN or Apache Mesos. Apache REEF simplifies development of those resource managers through Centralized Control Flow , Task runtime , Support for multiple resource managers , NET and Java API and Plugins.
Apache BVal delivers an implementation of the Java Bean Validation Specification that is TCK compliant, works on Java SE 6 or later, and uses the Apache Software License v2.0.
Apache Brooklyn is an open-source framework for modeling, deploying and managing distributed applications defined using declarative YAML blueprints.
Apache Fluo is an open source implementation of Percolator (which populates Google's search index) for Apache Accumulo.
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