SocialAds is an extremely powerful and scalable advertising solution which brings the best innovations in online advertising to the Joomla World. Leading Advertising systems like Google AdWords, Facebook and LinkedIn Ads as well various Ad networks have been researched while designing SocialAds.
Simplifying ELearning ... One lesson at a time! A Social Learning Management Extension for Joomla. Powerpacked with awesome features for your dream ELearning site
JGive is a powerful crowd funding extension that enables your members to create fund-raising projects; accept donations or Investments; and keep donors updated on the project's progress. JGive is built using the Joomla MVC Framework which means you can easily extend & override what you want.
InviteX was written with a very clear goal in mind - Help site administrators increase their site visitors and members using Viral Invitations. We can easily say that InviteX is the best invitation tool-set available for Joomla today.