SuccessEd combines the latest technology with expert knowledge and experience to put time-saving data management tools in the hands of educators which track compliance and services provided to students in special education, Section 504, Dyslexia, RtI, Medicaid, ELL, and behavior programs.
SE 504 contains every form your school district will need Parental notice and consent, Parent rights documents, Evaluation documents including Texas dyslexia documents, Section 504 Student Plan and Parent contacts and notes
ELLA shares meeting decisions with other products for your twice-exceptional students, promotes quality planning, allowing the LPAC to function on the behalf of each ELL, accelerates the meeting, process to give you more time with kids and less time on keyboards, is more than a compliance tool; it tracks student accommodations and achievement.
Teachers and Interventionists are committed to providing high-quality interventions for their struggling learners, but documentation is often too cumbersome for them to complete and for administrators to monitor. SuccessEd’s MTSS/RTI solution solves this with the right balance of efficiency and comprehensiveness. Customize the solution to match your district’s processes and track the student from start to finish, from referral to RTI all the way through specialized instruction in special education. It doesn’t get any easier or more comprehensive than this.