SmartCOMM by Smart Communications helps businesses become more efficient internally, more compliant with regulators, and more relevant to customers, all while reducing IT costs.
Smart Communications is the only provider of an end-to-end customer conversations management platform. Built from the cloud up, we help enterprises deliver SMARTER conversations across the entire customer lifecycle – and at scale – and empower them to succeed in today’s digital-focused, customer-driven world while also simplifying processes and operating more efficiently. Smart Communications has three main product offerings: SmartCOMM™, SmartIQ™, and SmartDX™. SmartCOMM is the traditional CCM platform, which uses modern templates to facilitate customer communications via multiple channels. SmartIQ is a low-code forms automation solution that transforms manual, back-office processes into fully digital, automated experiences. SmartIQ can be quickly and easily implemented to collect the information you need digitally—along with any required documentation such as live photos, statements, etc. Information can then be routed for approvals or additional handling and output in the format you need—from simply transferring data to your core systems or generating a quote to creating an envelope for eSignature.
All of the G15 investment banks and some of the world’s largest energy and commodity companies trust SmartDX to help them simplify trade and relationship documentation for all market participants, across all asset classes and product types. SmartDX accelerates all documentation processing for both the sell- and buy-side.