SAS Enterprise Miner is a software provide insights that drive better decision making, it streamline the data mining process to develop models quickly, understand key relationships and find the patterns that matter most.
SAS Visual Analytics is our flagship offering for self-service data preparation, visual discovery, interactive reporting, and dashboards--as well as easy-to-use analytics--with governance. SAS Visual Analytics allows non-technical users to create, share and execute BI and Analytics workflows for interactive reporting and free-form exploration. The primary functional components supported by SAS Visual Analytics are: Self-service Data Preparation, Data Exploration and Analytics including Augmented Analytics, Interactive Reporting, Location Analytics, Conversational AI through chatbots on SAS Conversation Designer, Automated Explanation using Natural Language, and Outlier Detection and Data Explain for report consumers. SAS Visual Analytics supports sharing and collaboration of insights to decision makers as they make collective decisions as part of their tasks or process or jobs. The goal is for everybody to take decisive action and stay agile as market conditions change and business needs demand a quick response.
SAS offers business analytics software and services, and is an independent vendor in the business intelligence market. Through innovative software and services, SAS empowers and inspires customers around the world to transform data into intelligence. SAS gives you THE POWER TO KNOW®.