Quickly and efficiently execute a wide range of models used in bank stress tests and other enterprise-level risk assessments. Significantly reduce the setup time for implementing extremely complex and computationally intensive bank stress test modeling systems.
SAS® WORKLOAD MANAGEMENT Go beyond Kubernetes – simplify your analytic workload management on SAS® Viya®.
SAS® FINANCIAL CRIMES ANALYTICS Augment your anti-money laundering solution with AI and machine learning in the cloud.
Eliminate inconsistencies caused by excessive data movement and latency from conventional processes for scoring data. Prevent delays resulting from slow analytical processing. And capture timely insights from big data.
Detect improper payments before they're made to save hundreds of millions of dollars that can go to improving quality of care. Improve accuracy while decreasing model-creation time from weeks to a few hours.
Reverse the heavy toll fraud is taking on government programs. Get a holistic view of fraud based on multisource data points. Take a multifaceted approach to detect hidden relationships and seemingly unrelated events. SAS can help agencies at all levels of government wage a war against misuse of government funds.
SAS offers business analytics software and services, and is an independent vendor in the business intelligence market. Through innovative software and services, SAS empowers and inspires customers around the world to transform data into intelligence. SAS gives you THE POWER TO KNOW®.