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Rise Vision

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TelemetryTV Digital Signage

98 reviews

Product Description

TelemetryTV is a cloud-based digital signage platform. Users have the ability to design, publish, and manage digital signage, dashboards, video playback, social app feeds, and advertisements all updating in real time with any number of displays. It works with consumer grade hardware like Google Chromeboxes, Windows and Intel NUCs.

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Rise Vision Reviews

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Cynthia C.
Cynthia C.
Validated Reviewer
Verified Current User
Review source: Organic
Incentivized Review

Love Using RiseVision!

the easy-to-use interface and that lots of projects can be imported into the website easily
Charles V.
Validated Reviewer
Review source: Seller invite
Incentivized Review

School Science Classroom

I use Rise Vision Digital Signage in my science classroom. It is an excellent way to capture the attention of my students. Some may think it would be a distraction in the class, but where students will find most any way to be distracted I have control of the content. I use it daily, but for me it doesn't require daily management. I mostly use the prepared templates with interesting facts that cycle or change each day. They require no setup time, and are very professionally constructed and visually appealing.The animal of the day or article snippets with environmental impact stories usually get students asking questions. Getting students interested in science and world events is a win. I also love that I can add custom presentations that are relevant to my students and the school. Speaking of relevance, all of the downloaded presentation templates automatically take care of embedding our school name and logo by uploading them through the website and setting it up one time. That makes it look like the school or I prepared the presentations giving a sense of integration. The design of the website for setting up my display is so easy to implement. Just recently I happened to look up and notice that I forgot to remove the countdown to Halloween presentation. I just knew the students would call me out so I logged in, removed it, and for good measure added a Thanksgiving countdown. Completed all before the students were done with their 2 minute warm up assignment. I only needed to use customer support once since starting almost 2 years ago and it had to do with the app shutting down. I got a quick response and fixed the issue. Most other problems can easily be overcome using the FAQS.
Veronica D.
Veronica D.
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Review source: Seller invite
Incentivized Review

Pleasant Experience with Rise Vision

I really like that Rise Vision is a straightforward program that allows for many modifications. I love all of the templates that they provide and peruse them often to change up our signage. I appreciate that you can set items to be displayed at specific times and to specific displays. I like that I can make different "companies" so that some people have access to their displays at our school, but don't have access to all the displays. This keeps everything clean and everyone happy. I also appreciate how many improvements Risevision has made recently and am looking forward to using the new hardware. Overall, I am very satisfied with Rise Vision.



HQ Location:
Toronto, Ontario, Canada



What is Rise Vision?

Since 199 we have been thinking about how we can help our customers have great looking displays. It’s an obsession we have.Today, our primary focus is education and the over 3,000 schools we currently serve. To deliver on our promise of making sure digital signage isn’t difficult we provide new Templates every week (over 4 5 of them so far) to keep a school’s displays current and engaging for little effort, and we make sure they stay running with greater than 99% uptime.


Year Founded