The batch-oriented agro-industrial groups need to make their production procedures more flexible to cope with the increasing demand for customer specific finish products. Integra Production has evolved in recent years to a tool which makes this possible without significantly increasing the administrative burden to organize this. Integra can be installed independent of the process automation system of the plant and in this way standardize on group level the procedures in each plant independent of the type or the generation of the existing automation or IT system. This standard solution in each plant offers advantages as unified reporting and KPIs, central reference files management and standardized connection to ERP-systems or Integra Central. There is nowadays more and more exchange of products between different plants. The standardized MES solution can guaranty in this case an over-all traceability.
Libra is an integrated solution for recipe optimization, labelling and quality control.
The Operra software package efficiently computerises the administrative processing of such processes as, contract follow-up, logistical supply planning, raw materials issuing and verification of supplier invoices.