OpenServer is the Petex API Protocol (syntax) that allows third party programs (such as Excel, Visual Basic, etc.) to access public functions in IPM to automate data input and model calculations.
The IPM suite of tools: GAP, PROSPER, MBAL, PVTP, REVEAL and RESOLVE can be run together seamlessly, allowing the engineer to design complete field models.
PROSPER is a well performance, design and optimisation program for modelling most types of well configurations found in the worldwide oil and gas industry today. PROSPER assists the production or reservoir engineer to predict tubing and pipeline hydraulics and temperatures with accuracy and speed.
MBAL helps the engineer better define reservoir drive mechanisms and hydrocarbon volumes. MBAL is an intuitive program with a logical structure that enables the reservoir engineer to develop reliable reservoir models quickly.
GAP is a multiphase oil and gas optimiser tool that models the surface gathering network of field production systems. GAP's non-linear optimisation engine allocates gas for gas lifted wells or sets wellhead chokes for naturally flowing wells to maximise revenue or oil/gas production while honouring constraints at any level in the system.
PVTP is a tool for the production or reservoir engineer to use to predict the effect of process conditions on the composition of hydrocarbon mixtures with accuracy and speed.