Customer Support Suite is designed to efficiently track, share and report on customer service requests.
Easy to use, web based solution. End Users can easily submit requests via your web site. Requests are automatically added to the ticket queue, reducing the number of support calls and eliminating the ticket creation process by support staff. End users can also track the status of their request through your web site. Flexible settings allow each department to manage their own support/request/project queue. Global managers can view/manage all queues through the help desk
ShareNet tracking tool will provide the summary and details needed to justify budget decisions.
The Novo ShareNet Operations Management is an easy to use, cloud based asset and work request management system that can be used in multiple departments such as Public Works, Utilities, Facilities, Fleet, IT, Airport Ground Services, Construction Sites and more. As a work order software system it can help you greatly improve your operations.
Novo Solutions provides highly flexible, web and mobile information management software.
Improve customer satisfaction, provide better, faster support, save time, and maximize productivity with our customizable, adaptable and automated ShareNet customer support software.