ZENPLOT®, the Data Visualization software dedicated to advanced graphics. ZENPLOT® allows you to create impactful visualizations by stacking different graphic layers (histograms, scatterplots, line charts, bar charts etc.). The data can be linked to any characteristic of the different layers (color, shapes, etc.). The user also has the option of annotating visualizations with images, text or shapes while navigating through a user-friendly interface. Each graphic is then exportable to vectorial or standard format.
XLOPTIM®, the leading optimization solver for Microsoft Excel® XLOPTIM® solves your operational problems by providing the efficiency of LocalSolver’s optimization engine directly inside your Excel worksheets. This no-code AI platform will help you to find powerful solutions in a short amount of time and enhance productivity in decision making scenarios. Furthermore, XLOPTIM® can be used as a primary aide in the education field, especially to easily teach Operations Research and Business Analytics.
Lumivero offers custom-built software solutions that allow users to leverage tools to answer the important questions they are working to decode. Lumivero brings trusted research, decision-making, and organizational tools together that enable professionals to do their work efficiently and productively and to make decisions more confidently.