CenturyLink Connected Security is a network-based layer of protection delivering a flexible security solution in the cloud, giving you the visibility and control needed to monitor, block and neutralize threats efficiently and effectively.
CenturyLink Private Line Services are delivered globally on the CenturyLink fiber network. Get dedicated bandwidth for high-priority business applications, diverse transport paths and immediate restoration.
Safeguard your network, website and cloud applications while simplifying operations with CenturyLink DDoS Mitigation Services -- network-based, carrier-agnostic service that provides DDoS mitigation with a single point of contact for quickly identifying and mitigating the latest threats.
Lumen Content & Application Delivery is the platform that delivers for businesses that demand seamless Internet video playback, high-performance websites or far-reaching digital file distribution. Lumen Content & Application Delivery is specially architected into the Lumen Content & Application Delivery IP backbone for direct control over the security, performance and delivery of your content.
CenturyLink Fiber+ delivers high-performance communication services essential for business today. Delivered over a direct fiber connection to the building, Fiber + includes business-class fiber-based Internet access and voice service with advanced calling features. Plus, cloud-based applications for email, web hosting, and data backup.
CenturyLink Voice Complete enables all major unified communication products and applications. Choose who, what and when. Our service is certified on multiple platforms, including Avaya¨, Cisco¨ and Microsoft¨. WeÕre ready when you are.