CMake is a family of tools designed to build, test and package software. CMake is used to control the software compilation process using simple platform and compiler independent configuration files. CMake generates native makefiles and workspaces that can be used in the compiler environment of your choice.
Activiz is a cross-platform C# wrapper of the internationally renowned VTK library for processing and visualizing scientific data. It includes many advanced algorithms to load and process data, as well as state-of-the-art rendering techniques. VTK is used by academicians for teaching and research, by government research institutions, and by many commercial companies that use VTK to build or extend products. It exists for 30 years and has been downloaded more than 2 millions times. It can be interfaced in Unity, with hololens... The documentation and the example scenes shipped with this asset show how to set up a VTK scene within your Unity project. The non-exhaustive list below highlights the features provided by this asset: - I/O: -- OBJ, PLY, STL, GLTF file readers -- MHA, MHD, DICOM, NRRD, NIFTI file reader -- VTK, VTP, VTI, VTU, VTS, VTR file readers and parallel file readers -- CGNS, FLUENT, FLUENT CFF file readers -- STEP, IGES CAD file readers -- LIDAR data in LAS format -- ... - Processing: -- Clip filter -- Contour filter -- Streamlines -- Probing, Resampling -- Marching cubes, marching squares, flying edges, surface nets -- Mesh smoothing -- Mesh decimation -- Delaunay, Voronoy -- Octree, KdTree -- Edges extraction -- Point cloud reconstruction -- Normals, tangents and texture coordinates computation -- Selection extraction -- ... - Imaging: -- Color transfer functions -- Window Level rendering -- Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP) rendering -- MPR and Oblique rendering -- Image mask and stencil -- Image mathematics -- Blend images, Stack images -- Surface to image and image to surface conversion -- Image threshold -- Gaussian smoothing -- Gradient, Laplacian computation - Interacting: -- Point and cells picking -- Rubber band selection -- Line, spline, contour widgets -- Distance and bi-dimensional ruler widget -- ROI box widget -- Plane widget -- Point handle widget with arbitrary geometry -- Interactive text widget - Rendering: -- Order-independent transparency -- Depth Peeling - Dual Depth Peeling -- Line Integral Convolution -- Iso value rendering -- Physically Based Rendering -- SSAO for meshes -- SSAO for volumes -- Light scattering model for volume rendering ActiViz is a closed source software system that wraps VTK for C#. It allows developers to quickly develop production-ready, interactive 3D applications in the .NET environment.
A python based framework to create web based apps for 3D visualization. It is cross-platform and cross-device (web, destkop). Rendering is performed remotely OR locally in the web browser.
Web based (VueJS, VTK.js ) medical viewer