Kingswood Herd App allows you to combine the flexibility and convenience of phone/tablet recording with the in depth analysis only available on PC programs such as Kingswood Herd.
Efficient entry of Income/Expenditure details, Farm Budget calculations, Online Banking Statement Download (BankLink), Co-op Statement Download, Integration with Kingswood Herd, Easy transfer of data over Cloud to Accountants PCs., Customer/Supplier Turnovers, Teagasc Profit Monitor Link, N.Ireland VAT requirements fully catered for, Optional Extras include: VAT Analysis, Purchase/Sales Ledgers, Contractor
Flexible and convenient way to update your field and grass records on the go,
Extensive Recording Facilities for Nutrients, Grass, Fertilisers, Slurry, Sprays, Traceabilility (PCS numbers) / Nutrient Management, Budgets for Feed Wedge & Grass, Plan Rotation and Paddock Production, Link to Kingwood Herd for Breeding data, Fully PC-based no internet/broadband access required, Use with Smartphone or PDA , Link to Farm Map, Kingswood Grass now allows import of grass recordings from JenQuip EC 10 plate meter.
Select Sheepware, for all sheep flock types: Commercial, Pedigree, Wool producing flocks and Dairy sheep. For PC, Palm, Windows Mobile Devices and EID Readers and Android Smart-phones/Tablets.