Rentals are often a necessary evil, don't let them turn into an unnecessary cost. With RentalVO, you are able to view rental equipment on the equipment tracking page with your own equipment. In addition, you can view all your rental details in a simple dashboard. The dashboard allows you to review utilizations, costs-to-date, and rent-to-own conversion calculations.
Utility locates (811) are a legal necessity and a tracking nightmare for contractors. Therefore, we added an easy-to-use module that provides the critical one call / diggers hotline information to everyone who needs it, where and when they need it. Managers can quickly create tickets and relocates, check dates, and review notes, photos, and history as needed. Field employees can then review, access, and add information to diggers hotline tickets from ScheduleVO notifications from any device.
With DispatchVO, an extension of TrackVO, it’s easy to set up and assign custom electronic dispatch tickets to your truck drivers from any device. You can also use DispatchVO for workflow planning to create unassigned and/or custom tickets.