With Invantive BusinessDrive you can easily work with all your safely saved business documents in the cloud. You work inside Windows Explorer with documents around your business processes. The advantage of this is that you can also successfully work together with multiple people, be that with documents, sales orders, production orders, or projects. By setting up authorizations, you determine who gets access to the information. It is also really easy to upload your financial documents from Invantive BusinessDrive directly to your accounting software. This saves you time and money.
Save money by combining Word documents with data from databases and applications.
Free Real-time Operational Intelligence Invantive's free Query Tool provides you with real-time Operational Intelligence (OI) across your entire enterprise.
Invantive Studio is a rich software development environment that gives engineers and analysts the ability to design and develop high quality business rules-based software.
Invantive Data Access Point is both online and on-premises software that allows exchanging data across various communication protocols.
Invantive Dotnet Optimizer provides a graphical user interface to NGEN. It allows you to easily optimize the start time of your Microsoft .NET applications by pre-compiling the executable and related assemblies into native code.
Invantive Scheduler allows you to accelerate your business processes without increasing costs. Invantive Scheduler makes more of your available resources by automating processes as recurring background jobs. Real-time, event-driven, whenever your business needs it.
Invantive Data Hub is command-line driven software that is capable of executing Invantive Query Tool-compatible scripts across many database and cloud platforms.
Invantive specializes in software solutions for companies acquiring and executing projects since 1992. They deliver software solutions for real estate, finance, banking, landscaping, technology and information technology businesses.