Builds software solutions specific to the requirements of Local Government and utilities.
RealWare is todays leading assessment solution, developed by industry-leading experts in jurisdictions across the United States. The design is intuitive, elegant, and user-driven while fully customizable to meet your unique requirements and preferences. Managers realize RealWare is a smart choice because it provides uncompromising accuracy and efficiency. Users prefer it because the interface is engaging, intuitive, and designed around their specific needs.
CollectWare is a comprehensive billing and tax collection system designed to save the collection office time and money through streamlined processes and secure balancing procedures. Integration to third-party software providers and industry-leading cashiering hardware ensures that your office is easily linked to progressive and stable industry solutions.
Encompass WorkFlow allows you to manage workload in the office and increase productivity while at the office or away. Encompass WorkFlow allows users to see task lists upon login and select an assignment that takes them directly to the screen where work is being completed. Managers may run productivity reports and see the status of tasks assigned to staff. Integration between RealWare and CollectWare will bridge seamlessly, improving business processes and efficiency.
Matix provides everyone from taxpayers to county decision makers with state-of-the-art data visualization. These visual representations give the user unmatched access to meaningful data and unleash the deeply buried, yet valuable, information contained within your growing base of historical CAMA and Collections records.
The tax collections process is a complex activity for any tax office and collecting appraisal district. A comprehensive, feature-rich software application is essential to managing it efficiently and effectively.