Capterra is a free service that help businesses find the right software for any bsiness.
Gartner delivers technology research to global technology business leaders to make informed decisions on key initiatives.
GetApp is a platform to review, evaluate, and compare business software.
Get free access to the insight and real-world experience of more than 23,000 peers at enterprises like yours. Reviews are rigorously vetted by Gartner, the world's leading research and advisory company — no vendor bias, no hidden agendas, just the real voices of enterprise users. Explore alternatives and lessons learned at every stage of the buying process through in-depth reviews and ratings.
An innovative suite of open source insurance software that enables brokers and insurers to implement world class solutions.
TalentNeuron is the world's leading provider of labor market analytics, delivering high-fidelity talent data on an unmatched global scale. TalentNeuron delivers actionable talent insight for every region of the world, covering countries that collectively represent more than 90% of the world's GDP. Through deep investments in machine learning and artificial intelligence, our technology platform ingests and normalizes hundreds of millions of structured and unstructured data points each day, delivering critical talent insights in support of workforce planning, strategic skills analysis, location optimization, DEI tactics, and sourcing strategies for local, regional, and global talent. These insights can be delivered to clients via software as a service, data as a service, or fully custom research efforts from our team of expert data scientists and advisors.