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Embarcadero Technologies

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1 review

Product Description

RaimaDB, is a relational DBMS that runs in almost any computing environment, from mobile phones to embedded computers to UNIX servers to the Cloud. RDM is a fast, small footprint, inexpensive database engine, provided by Raima as an SDK for Windows, Linux or UNIX development environments. For embedded and mobile targets, RDM’s Windows or Linux SDKs will perform cross-platform development.

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Embarcadero Technologies Reviews

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Tatevik B.
Tatevik B.
Engineering Lead at Siemens EDA
Validated Reviewer
Review source: G2 invite
Incentivized Review

Very solid software development environment

1) Excellent, comfortable GUI. 2) Easy, cross-platform debugging, which helps to save a lot of time in daily activities. 3) Integrated unit testing capabilities, which is very important for us because we use Test Driven Development. 4) Responsive UI development means.
Chintan P.
Chintan P.
Software Engineer at iBASEt
Validated Reviewer
Review source: Seller invite

Delphi XE8

The flexibility of making application. Delphi XE8 editor allows to make application in very less time with very good application performance. It is too many controls that can help to you create most robust application like providing theme to any application is such easy task with XE8. I strongly recommend making small application in very less time. Very easy to make graphical application, if you chose right control. You can make cross application development. Your can make very Less coupled applicaiton by using XE8. It is little bit less user intuitive but once you will start using it you will start loving. by using fire monkey control you can make very strong application. Embercardero also provides same editor for c++, and mote interest things that I have also heard is that you can make application by combining two programming language delphi as well as c++. if you are migrating one language to another language, you do not need to wait for whole application complicate into newer language, you can run application that is written in both application and gradually migrate it.
Surya P.
Surya P.
Master of Engineering - Computer Engineering
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Review source: G2 invite
Incentivized Review

C++Builder Review

Integrated Inprise Corporation's VisiBroker 3.3 with event and naming servicesSupport for the latest ANSI/ISO C++ language specifications, including a host of compiler enhancements including Dynamic Compilation and Adaptive Compiler Technology (ACT), which radically speed compiler build processes; full ANSI/ISO template implementation; full ANSI/ISO STL (standard template library) support; and a high-performance 32-bit ANSI C++ native code compiler. Fully customizable AppBrowser IDE.Support for industry standards, including Oracle Corporation's Oracle8i database server; Microsoft Corporation's Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), Microsoft Active Template Library (ATL), Microsoft SQL Server 7 and MTS (Microsoft Transaction Server); and Inprise Corporation's Object Windows Library (OWL) and Visual Component Library (VCL). EZ-COM, which simplifies C++ COM client development and One-Step ActiveX Control creation with new Data Binding support.



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Austin, TX




Year Founded