Mileposts is a Student Achievement Solution that enables schools to create personalized learning plans, manage interventions, monitor achievement and gain insights to improve instruction to any class, group, or individual student.
EdAssess, formerly edifyAssess streamlines assessment administration. Choose from thousands of items aligned to state standards, as well as access to hundreds of pre-built assessments. Need an assessment on the fly? A quick create assessment builder is also available inside of EdAssess. Easily measure standards mastery while leveraging data to create personalized learning paths all driven by robust reporting.
EdHub data aggregation and intervention platforms enable all stakeholders to systematically foster engagement and collaboration for every learner. Through intervention planning, digital resources, and longitudinal reporting; EdHub will simplify and accelerate your schools’ ability to turn data into action.
EdInsights can shorten your process, seamlessly organize raw data into actionable insights, and drive data discussions to guide instruction in real-time with brilliant data visualization reporting.
EdFolio is designed to efficiently capture and organize feedback that can be tagged to frameworks through the use of personal portfolios and a customizable PD library.