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Dox Systems

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DoX CMS Content Management Systen

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Any company will benefit from the option to reuse much of its documentation. DoX CMS makes this possible with the structured LW-DITA format with which helps you +write different parts of publications individually and at the same time, +adapt the same content to different situations with tag identifiers, +update repeated parts all at once everywhere, +use different styles for the same content in different contexts, +select pieces of prior content to put together new publications, and +publish the same content in different formats suited for online use and print (PDF, HTML, DITA, WebHelp, EclipseHelp). You can thus apply the same base content across *the different manuals related to your products, *training material, *sales and marketing material, and *offers and contracts. DoX CMS is also a comprehensive browser-based content management system which helps you +edit and manage content from any device without local installations, +retain independent revisions of contents and publications, +review content and add comments as part of a revision’s workflow, +add identifiers for various content filters, +combine multiple style sheets into specific styles and write the CSS-based style sheets, +maintain the files for PDF, image, video, and audio attachments, +publish directly to locations connected to your system, +generate XML-based translation files and automatically arrange the translated content, and +maintain content in different languages. In practice, you can use DoX CMS to, for example, to designate positions for the model’s name in content used by different publications. The system will use the correct value for each publication. You write the content once and then combine it in different ways. The system compiles publications in different file formats and languages from this content. We will provide immediate help and support at all stages when you implement and use DoX CMS. We also continue to develop the system to match our customers’ stated needs. You can learn more about the system when you reserve a personal demo session below.

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Croct is a headless component-based CMS for modern frameworks like Next.js and React. It helps product teams scale UI optimization by offering built-in AB testing and personalization, ultra-low latency APIs, design system integration, and quick implementation.

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