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Digi Verve Technologies Pvt Ltd

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P4DT - Integrated Platform for Accreditation, DV2L by Digi Verve Technologies Pvt Ltd. P4DT - integrated platform for accreditation, a SaaS based white labelled product for the higher education institutions (HEIs). This software tool continuously evaluates an institute with accreditation and seamlessly integrates college, student, faculty and parents/admin. P4DT is an Integrated Platform for Accreditation which comes with 4 modules, namely • College corner • Student corner • Faculty corner and • Parent/Admin corner College Corner: Acts as catalyst and support in aligning with college plans of accreditation. This software tool helps the college in understanding the real time assessment (current as is status) with ref to accreditation through the live score & dashboard! Based on relevant solution, specific gaps could be addressed if any. Standard templates are there to minimise efforts for creating the processes & designing relevant structure for the data. Always SAR (Self Assessment Report) is click of a button away to evaluate the summary, in totality important features as follow, • Live Accreditation Scoreboard • Gap Analysis • Potential Solutions • Self Assessment Report (SAR) • Vetting the Report • Mock Audit • NBA, NAAC & ABET SME support Student Corner: As part of outcome based education, student success is a key factor, hence this software platform/tool is a source for a wealth of information related to technical excellence and supplies the latest information with regard to 55 futuristic job requirements as identified by NASSCOM and the associated training that can be taken. Platform is designed for self study through to have overview of futuristic technologies and job roles based on domain expertise. Duration of efforts is being tracked & documented as platform comes with access credentials. As a equence to career, Internship & Academic projects in line with latest technology, Industry visits & Workshops, End to End support for the Higher studies/Study Abroad! and so on....on a single platform! • Student Empowerment • Job Oriented Training • Academic Projects • Internships • Industry Connect & Workshops • Higher Education/Study Abroad - E2E support Faculty Corner: In the process, faculty corner would bring the best from staff in the areas of enhancing the abilities, research and related activities where as rograms like Explore the Experts, Facilitate the Faculty and the R&D are the designed to support the faculty community. • Explore d Experts • Facilitate d Faculty and • Academic & Research Parents/Admin Corner: This tool will help parents and prospect students to evaluate colleges and decide on the best fit college based on the NEET score, facilities, distance, employability etc. For the industries they will have a seamless view of the curriculum and training that the students have undergone and get a chance to augment the training of the students so that they get graduates who become productive from the time they are recruited. P4DT also designed to provide IOT & RFID based solutions support like tracking the bus, students, attendance, etc...

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