ASPEN-RMS is an investigative mugshot and booking records management system that is used to collect, protect, manage, store, search and run reports for your mugshot data.
DataWorks Plus' SAF-ID (also known as RAPID-ID) is an extremely fast and accurate solution that uses advanced fingerprint matching techniques to provide positive identification of an individual. SAF-ID allows an officer to scan a person's finger on any FBI-approved fingerprint scanner and search a database for a positive match.
Digital PhotoManager is an investigative mugshot and booking records management system that is used to collect, protect, manage, store, search, and run reports for all of your mugshot data.
Inmate Tracking is an integrated tracking system designed to offer unlimited tracking locations so that users can know the location of an inmate at any given time.
FACE Plus uses facial recognition technology to positively match photos of an individual by identifying key characteristics of the facial image.
Digital CrimeScene is a customizable crime scene management system designed to allow users to securely store and manage forensic data, images, videos, reports, documents, drawings, and narratives for each case record.