Collabrify Flipbook enables students to work together, synchronously, in real-time, to co-create drawings or flipbook style animations.
Collabrify Dashboard for G Suite allows teachers to distribute Roadmaps and to create collaborative groups, monitor the student enactment of Roadmaps, and finally, to assess the artifacts produced by the students during enactment.
Collabrify Chart enables students to collaboratively create a chart and graph its data.
Collabrify Map is a collabrified concept mapping tool that helps students to work together, synchronously, in real_time, to co-_create concept maps that graphically helps students to organize and represent knowledge and their evolving understanding!.
Collabrify Writer is an easy to learn, easy to use, collabrified, multimedia authoring app that allows teachers to use Writer to create reflective assessments with Question/Response items and to create interactive readers with multimedia content where scaffolding prompts are interspersed throughout the content.
LessonLauncherallows students to create digital lessons, represented as Roadmaps, that employs OER and employs all the Google Apps for Education.