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From early stages of design and development to supporting the life of your project, CodeBru’s engineers possess a wide range of capabilities across custom software, CMS, hosting, and website and application development. The areas of specialization listed below are by no means an exhaustive list - if you require support in a missing field, just ask! Web Development PHP: Drupal WordPress Yii2 Laravel ExpressionEngine Databases: MySQL / MariaDB / PerconaDB SQLite MongoDB Server administration: Server setup LAMP stack, LEMP stack Server tuning Node balancer Website speed-up / Google PageSpeed Insights Front-End: HTML5 CSS3 JS (ES6-9) Bootstrap jQuery JavaScript / NodeJS: pure node.js Express.js Webpack Babel Vue.js React.js jQuery WebSocket Single-page application HTML/CSS: Responsive layouts Bootstrap 3/4 SCSS / LESS Other: Scrape website data API proficiency Online payments integration Video file and live video processing Raspberry PI (GPIO / i2c) Geocoding / Maps browser extensions Chrome Safari Firefox web extension Opera Code customization for: Slack Telegram Twilio Facebook WhatsApp App Development Languages: Swift Objective-C General: Xcode Apple HIG (Human Interface Guidelines) GCD Operational Queue Push Notifications Signing/deploying+CI REST API UI: UIkit Core Animation Autolayout, SnapKit Data: Core Data Realm SQLite Frameworks: Foundation Core Location Core Graphics MapKit AVFoundation MediaPlayer StoreKit Core Audio Accelerate Other: Firebase AWS Apple Pay