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Cigniti Technologies Inc.

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Cigniti Software Testing Services

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Cigniti is world’s leading Independent Quality Engineering & Software Testing services company, bringing the power of AI into Agile and DevOps, to accelerate enterprise digital transformation.

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iNSta, powered by Cigniti, creates self-healing, reusable test automation scripts to help you match the velocity of your QA with development It democratizes the process of test script generation, while eliminating the common roadblocks that hinder timely releases. iNSta is an AI-powered, scriptless test automation platform that allows you to quickly scale your test automation suites, without any vendor lock-in. It has an ultra-accessible interface that defines your tests without having to write any code. iNSta gives you the control and flexibility to add custom code and reuse test assets for assured production quality, improved QA efficiency & effectiveness, and the fastest possible Time to Market. iNSta provides a test design studio that aids reusable test asset development. It leverages AI to offer an adaptive framework that supports automation artifacts that evolve in sync with the application under test (AUT). The test execution engine integrates with the latest CI/CD tools and cloud (Sauce Labs, Browser Stack) infrastructure to support continuous testing. iNSta helps you become deployment ready, instantly! 1. Instant test designing: Promoting true collaboration across multiple stakeholders, iNSta sits as an extension on your browser to capture the sequence of your actions and automatically generate the test script in plain English. 2. Instant test scripting: With user-friendly iNSta web application, you can easily create and maintain test scripts & other automation artifacts. iNSta provides test orchestration & import actions to generate test scripts, with the ability to handle sensitive data. It has the provision for smart conditions, loops, & custom functions to help you generate a codeless, yet code-like test script. 3. Instant test execution: The iNSta execution agent can perform cross-platform executions across browsers & OSs, parallelly or sequentially, at a schedule that aligns with your release cycle. As per your needs, test execution engine integrates with the latest CI/CD platforms (Docker) and the cloud (Sauce Labs, Browser Stack) infrastructure to support Continuous Testing. 4. Instant test reporting: With iNSta, you get the provision to create and access role-based dashboards that offer instant, real-time analysis of test execution. You can choose to configure the dashboard as per your needs with Default, Extent, & Custom reporting. The advanced analytics offer deep insights into your test processes. Why iNSta: 1. No Vendor Lock in: You can export the entire code into any Java or C# framework and manage it on your own. 2. AI-powered: iNSta’s AI-powered engine Executes, Identifies, Validates, Optimizes, Resolves, & Remediates test scripts 3. Faster Time To Market: iNSta comes with in-built-frameworks, libraries, and 3rd party plugins to accelerate the speed of releases 4. Accuracy: Reduces the feedback cycle and brings rapid validation in developing products. 5. Maintenance: Easy traceability of code changes, impact Analysis and auto-healing reduces maintenance overheads. iNSta offers holistic coverage across the technology landscape including 1. Mobile Automation: iOS & Android (Native & Hybrid) 2. Web Technologies: Angular JS, React JS, and .NET 3. Backend & Middleware: Synchronous & Asynchronous API validations & verifications, including RESTful, SOAP, websocket, etc. 4. Core Banking: Temenos Transact (formerly known as T24) 5. CRM Testing: Salesforce & MS Dynamics 6. Database: Database validation & verification

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