Increase efficiency and streamline workflows during patient visits with the ability to access and review their clinical data at your fingertips from any location across the continuum of care
Programmable, comprehensive suite of solutions and services leverages our strategy that is designed to enable organizations to: know and predict what will happen within a population; engage the person, their family and the care team to take action; and manage outcomes to improve health and care.
HealtheIntentSM, aggregates and normalizes data from various sources to create a longitudinal record for each member.
Cerner Corporation's HealtheRegistries solution allows EPs/ECs to attest to MU and ACI programs Clinical Data Registry option of the Public Health Objective. HealtheRegistries provides the technology to track and manage quality measures to improve population health outcomes. To meet the Public Health Objective, EPs/ECs are eligible to electronically submit data from a Certified Electronic Health Record Technology (CEHRT) to HealtheRegistries via HealtheIntent.
CareAware is EHR agnostic and vendor neutral. Simply put, we enable interoperability between medical devices, health care applications and the EHR.
Facilitates high-performing networks and align, engage and empower health care stakeholders through our industry-recognized platform, technologies and services.