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Campana Systems

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Campana Travel Agency Management

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AXIS Travel is a front- and back office travel agency management solution on designed specifically for membership-based organizations. It is a comprehensive agency solution with simplified trip management and built-in business intelligence analysis.

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Campana Member Relationship Management

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Member Relationship Management (MRM) software is an intuitive customer relationship tool used by AAA/CAA auto clubs, which helps your front-line staff deliver service built on personalized promotions and meaningful dialogue, thereby strengthening member relationships and improving customer satisfaction.

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Campana Insurance Leads Tracking System

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Campana Insurance Leads Tracking System automate and streamline how sales leads are captured, disseminated and managed. This automates lead routing process to ensure the proper handling of each type of insurance.

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Campana Business Intelligence and Reporting

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AXIS Business Intelligence Support allows to consolidate your data in minutes; no Make Your Own Reports (MYORs), API maintenance, or scripting are required. It facilitates report building and dashboards from your SQL server eliminate MYOR extractions and work with the data directly from your SQL environment

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Campana Emergency Road Service Management

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AXIS Emergency Road Service (ERS) is a comprehensive automated dispatching system that provides timely and efficient roadside services to AAA/CAA members, clients of the association's Roadside Assistance Partners (RAP), such as car manufacturers and commercial clients. It strengthens service fulfillment processes with Campana’s digital dispatching, member notification and mapping tools for greater control and efficient call handling.

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AXIS Membership

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AXIS Membership is a membership management software that provides marketing team with the tools to manage campaigns and target individual customers, automate and streamline how sales leads are captured, disseminated and managed, and increase retention.

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