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Briso Technologies

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Briso Proctor

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Briso Exams, a remote proctored online examination solution blends AI- capabilities and live proctoring, to deliver the highest level of accuracy, security and scalability. Our Advanced AI based solution uses latest neural network deep learning technologies to ensure high accuracy and robustness for analysis and best results. Briso Exams © combines the power of our automated AI Briso with human monitoring. It offers a classroom view of candidate supervision remotely, from beginning to end, with one-to-one and one- to-many proctoring features. Instant Report Generation of candidates allows proctors to view all their specific details, making it easier and accessible for exam proctors. AI Briso Capabilities - Automated Authentication using facial recognition, liveness detection and OCR - Check for people-presence (other than the validated test-taker) in front of the camera - Check for liveness of person (in front of camera) and any possible camera tampering  Proctoring Capabilities - One-to-one and one-to-many chat intervention capabilities for proctor - Test-taker can initiate a bio-break request for a pre-defined time during which system monitors people-presence in front of camera - Present the whole exam in a timeline view with video bookmarks of all logged alerts The Candidate's activities can be reviewed post the test hour which is not possible in traditional proctoring - Candidate Authentication - Classroom View - Multi-Chat Option - Retina Tracking - Noise Detection - Unauthorised Device Check - Examination Report - Configurable Test Tolerance - Timeline of Alerts - Bio-break Requests

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