Where you can get 1:1 live programming help, hire world-class developers, and learn to code.
Codementor is an online marketplace connecting developers with experts for on-demand 1:1 help via screen sharing, video and text chat.
Arc converts startups’ future revenue into upfront capital, without debt or dilution. With Arc, you can onboard in seconds and get a decision in hours. It's as simple as entering your information, connecting your accounts, and receiving an offer for up to $50M. We provide upfront pricing and flexible repayment terms (up to 18months) so you know exactly what it'll cost without any complex calculations. Say goodbye to covenants, personal guarantees, full asset liens, and warrants. Say hello to the friendlier way to fund your growth—say hello to Arc.
Arc Treasury is a digitally native and vertically integrated bank account that enables startups to access the essentials including instant deposits, free money movement, unlimited cards, spend control, and market-leading benefits—without the drawbacks of legacy offline financial institutions.