Alibaba Cloud Elastic High Performance Computing (E-HPC) is an end-to-end public cloud service. E-HPC provides individual users, education and research institutions, and public institutions with a fast, elastic, and secure cloud compute platform that interconnects with Alibaba Cloud products.
Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service (OSS) is an encrypted, secure, cost-effective, and easy-to-use object storage service that enables you to store, back up, and archive large amounts of data in the cloud, with a guaranteed reliability of 99.999999999%. RESTful APIs allow storage and access to OSS anywhere on the Internet. You can elastically scale the capacity and processing capability, and choose from a variety of storage types to optimize the storage cost.
Hybrid Cloud Storage Array (HCSA) is an enterprise-level storage array that integrates with the Alibaba Cloud storage gateway. You can use and manage cloud storage resources (blocks, files, and objects) just as you would with local storage. Cloud Cache, Cloud Sync, Cloud Tiering, and Cloud Backup all make local storage migrate to the cloud seamlessly. HCSA services provide a cost-effective, efficient and easy-to-manage hybrid cloud storage solution.
DRDS is primarily used for large-scale online data operations to operate, maintain and manage distributed databases throughout their entire lifecycle. Due to is compartmentalized structure, DRDS provides an efficient way to perform operations to meet the demand of the online services for relational databases.
Alibaba Quick BI allows you to perform data analytics, exploration, and reporting on mass data with drag-and-drop features and a rich variety of visuals. Quick BI enables users to perform data analytics, exploration, and reporting, and empowers enterprise users to view and explore data and make informed, data-driven decisions.
Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch is a cloud-based Service that offers built-in integrations such as Kibana, X-Pack, and Alibaba Cloud VPC, Cloud Monitor, and Resource Access Management. With Pay-As-You-Go billing, Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch costs 30% less than self-built solutions and saves you the hassle of maintaining and scaling your platform.