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60+ VPN Statistics That'll Convince You To Use One In 2023

60+ VPN Statistics That'll Convince You To Use One In 2023

It’s 2023. Privacy lost the fight. Big Brother is definitely watching. 
by Soundarya Jayaraman
13 Cyber Security Tips From the Experts

13 Cyber Security Tips From the Experts

If you’ve never had your identity stolen or your computer hacked, consider yourself one of the lucky ones.
by Mara Calvello
What Is Fileless Malware and How Do Attacks Occur?

What Is Fileless Malware and How Do Attacks Occur?

Fileless malware attacks are on the rise as more hackers use it to disguise their nefarious activities. These threats leverage a computer’s existing, whitelisted applications and computing power against itself. This is what security professionals refer to as “live off the land” threats. 
by Aaron Walker
VPN Protocols: Are You Using the Right One?

VPN Protocols: Are You Using the Right One?

The internet can be a scary place.
by Mara Calvello
The Simple Difference: Augmented Reality vs. Virtual Reality

The Simple Difference: Augmented Reality vs. Virtual Reality

“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”
by Bridget Poetker
How Cloud ERP Helps Address Manufacturing Challenges

How Cloud ERP Helps Address Manufacturing Challenges

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems were created for manufacturing companies decades ago, and they still have an important place in the software ecosystem within this industry. 
by Gabriel Gheorghiu
Remote Learning Tools Educators Need Most

Remote Learning Tools Educators Need Most

Most teachers I’ve met are master improvisers. They have to be ready to adapt to situations in the moment, and the COVID-19 health crisis is a perfect example of when adaptation is a must.
by Shaun Bishop
G2 Adds New Categories for Work Management and Project Collaboration

G2 Adds New Categories for Work Management and Project Collaboration

For decades, project management software has been straightforward—buyers knew very well what to expect from this type of software as most products potentially offered the same or almost similar features.
by Gabriel Gheorghiu
The Things Have Eyes: An Introduction to IoT

The Things Have Eyes: An Introduction to IoT

A moment, if you will, to appreciate that name, the “internet of things.”
by G2 Staff
How Will the Fourth Industrial Revolution Impact Remote Work?

How Will the Fourth Industrial Revolution Impact Remote Work?

When we think about remote work, we usually imagine employees performing the same tasks they complete in the office at home. This means that anyone who works in a physical environment such as a warehouse, manufacturing facility, or retail store cannot work remotely. 
by Gabriel Gheorghiu