Experience management software consolidates feedback from a specific, target audience and delivers actionable insights and follow-up steps to close the loop. Experience management solutions build on the features provided by survey software and enterprise feedback management software by adding functionality that enables businesses to plan and take informed actions based on received feedback. Specifically, these tools deploy analytics dashboards for feedback data that is viewable by stakeholders across an organization. Some products will also provide gamification features or agent-based scoring metrics to incentivize employees to leverage insights offered by the platform.
Experience management solutions can be leveraged for different use cases across a business, including customer experience (CX), B2B account experience, product experience, and market research. Though most offerings specialize in only one use case, some products will target multiple groups of respondents and allow businesses to segment their audiences. Products that specialize in CX collect customer feedback and deploy insights to frontline employees who can execute closed-loop actions based on that feedback. Products designed for B2B account experience collect client feedback and deliver insights to sales or customer success teams. Product experience solutions help product management teams collect and analyze feedback about their customers’ experiences with a product. Finally, market research solutions provide special features like research panels to enable businesses to survey their target audience.
Experience management software offers the survey development and implementation features provided by survey products and the business-focused analytics features provided by enterprise feedback management solutions. Experience management tools differ from survey and enterprise feedback management tools because they offer additional features that allow for closed-loop actions to follow up on feedback.
Based on the stacking nature of these groups of products, the Experience Management, Enterprise Feedback Management, and Survey categories are mutually exclusive to provide clarity to the exact feature sets provided by each type of software solution.
To qualify for inclusion in the Experience Management category, a product must:
A product’s Usability score is calculated by a proprietary algorithm that factors in real-user satisfaction ratings for a number of use-related review questions. Software buyers can compare products in the Experience Management category according to their Usability scores to streamline the buying process and quickly identify the most usable products based on the experiences of their peers. For sellers, media, investors, and analysts, the Index provides benchmarks for product comparison and market trend analysis.
Badges are awarded to products for: Best Usability (highest overall Usability score), Easiest to Use (highest ease of use rating), Easiest Admin (highest ease of admin score), and Best Meets Requirements (highest meets requirements score).
Products included in Usability Index for Experience Management | Winter 2025 have received both a minimum of 10 reviews and 5 responses from real users for each of the use-related questions featured in our review form by November 19, 2024. These ratings may change as the products are further developed, the sellers grow, and as additional opinions are shared by users. A new Usability Index report will be issued for this category as significant data is collected.