Trend Micro Vision One (XDR) coleta e correlaciona dados de atividade profunda em vários vetores - e-mail, endpoints, servidores, cargas de trabalho em nuvem e redes - permitindo um nível de detecção e investigação que é difícil ou impossível de alcançar com SIEM ou soluções pontuais individuais.
A solução de segurança em nuvem híbrida, alimentada pela segurança XGen, oferece uma combinação de técnicas de defesa contra ameaças de gerações cruzadas que foram otimizadas para proteger cargas de trabalho físicas, virtuais e em nuvem.
Trend Micro Endpoint Security fornece proteção imediata para endpoints empresariais, reduzindo infecções ao proteger instantaneamente os endpoints contra ataques sofisticados de cibercriminosos.
Trend Micro, a global leader in security software and solutions, strives to make the world safe for exchanging digital information. For the past 25 years, its employees have been inspired to protect individuals, families, businesses and governments as they look to harness the potential of emerging technologies and new ways of sharing information. In today’s organizations, information has become the most strategic asset, embodying competitive advantage and powering operational excellence. With the explosion of mobile, social and cloud technologies, protecting this information has become more challenging than ever. Organizations need a smart protection strategy. Trend Micro enables the smart protection of information, with innovative security solutions that are simple to deploy and manage, and fits an evolving ecosystem. Trend Micro solutions provide layered content security for mobile devices, endpoints, gateways, servers and the cloud. Leveraging these solutions, organizations can protect their end users, their evolving data center and cloud resources, and their information threatened by sophisticated targeted attacks.