A TapClicks, Inc. oferece uma plataforma completa de relatórios e análises de marketing digital projetada para atender às necessidades de agências digitais, empresas de mídia e grandes empresas. A TapClicks consolida dados de campanhas de marketing e métricas de desempenho em um painel unificado, completo com relatórios e análises automatizados.
Raven Tools é uma plataforma de marketing na Internet tudo-em-um para SEO, Mídias Sociais, PPC e Conteúdo. Pesquise, gerencie, monitore e relate todos os aspectos da sua campanha.
TapClicks, Inc. is a leading marketing technology company for agencies, media companies, brands, and enterprises. Its integrated Marketing Operations Platform includes sales enablement, workflow and order management, analytics, and automated reporting -- all within a single intuitive user interface available on demand in the cloud. TapClicks has delivered over 1,000,000 dashboards to over 5,000 brands and over 500 media companies and agencies worldwide. The TapClicks platform leverages over 150 native API integrations with leading marketing and advertising platforms and rounds out its solution with ImportWizard, which enables the platform to use data from virtually any source. TapClicks was founded in 015, is headquartered in Silicon Valley, has development and sales offices in Boston and Canada, and sales offices in Europe and Latin America.