TaraVault é a sua melhor escolha. Para total rastreabilidade, TaraVault é integrado com nosso conjunto Spira ALM.
O aplicativo RemoteLaunch se conectará às suas ferramentas de teste automatizadas e permitirá que o SpiraTest orquestre suas atividades de teste, tanto manuais quanto automatizadas, em um só lugar.
SpiraCapture é uma extensão do Chrome que ajuda você a realizar testes exploratórios. A extensão registra e organiza suas sessões de teste de forma inteligente e permite que você salve suas gravações perfeitamente no SpiraTest.
Founded in 006, Inflectra is a market leader in software test management, test automation, application lifecycle management, and enterprise portfolio management space. The company is headquartered in the USA but has offices in over 10 countries. Known globally for its legendary customer support, Inflectra makes turn-key solutions that address many challenges in software testing and QA, test automation, and product lifecycle management. Its methodology agnostic software tools are used in regulated industries where portfolio management, requirements traceability, release planning, resource management, document workflow, baselining, and enterprise risk analysis are required. The company uses a concurrent pricing model for all its tools with unlimited products, projects, sprints, tests, API calls, included in a single price. All Inflectra products have a 30-day free trial.