Very satisfied with the project with Galgus. The supply has been fast and effective, we even had some unforeseen logistics transport that we solved urgently. The physical installation part was carried out by me from Telefónica and I have had the support of Galgus during all the work. Regarding the operation of the equipment, I can tell you that in the months that we have been "online" in this project, we have not had any service failure or crash reported by the end customer.
Galgus oferece uma solução sólida e confiável com análises incomparáveis no mercado. Certamente faz a diferença ao apresentar o produto aos nossos clientes. Estamos recomendando Galgus a todos os nossos clientes atuais e futuros. O tempo de lançamento no mercado é outro dos pontos críticos de sucesso na Galgus.
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