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Avaliações 229 Bonterra Apricot
Sentimento Geral da Revisão para Bonterra Apricot
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No geral, uma plataforma muito amigável. Alguns bugs aqui e ali, mas o Apricot geralmente responde rapidamente para resolvê-los e comunica para reconhecer que estão acontecendo e está ativamente encontrando uma solução. Meus Gerentes de Caso estão satisfeitos com a plataforma e a facilidade dos serviços. Isso nos permitiu passar mais tempo com os clientes e menos preocupados com papelada, etc. A implementação demorou mais do que o previsto, mas isso porque realmente a construímos da forma que precisávamos que funcionasse. Usamos o Apricot 360 todos os dias e isso tornou nosso trabalho muito mais fácil. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
O preço aumentou significativamente entre os anos 1 e 2 de uso da plataforma. Estou preocupado com os aumentos de preço no futuro. Gostaria que houvesse uma melhor assistência técnica na criação de relatórios. O recurso de criação de relatórios pode ser um pouco confuso e acho que isso poderia ser reformulado para torná-lo mais fácil de entender. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
Nossa agência mudou de usar um sistema interno para usar o Apricot - isso aumentou nossa capacidade de rastrear métricas de serviço e ter dados significativos. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
Foi trabalho criar e integrar a equipe ao novo sistema. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
The thing that I like most about Bonterra Case Management is how customizable it is. When it was first introduced to us, as Apricot, I didn't think we would be able to utilize it. However, since then, we have been able to tailor it to our company's needs and continue editing it as we grow. It is very easy to use and once our staff went through training they caught on quickly. We use it every day and other than when it is down for maintenance, I haven't heard many complaints from our staff. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
I do not have any complaints with this platform. I do wish that there was a training section. Maybe there is and I just haven't explored the site enough! Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
Ser capaz de acompanhar todas as minhas notas e horas em um só lugar. Adoro todos os recursos extras que estão incluídos. Isso torna fácil manter as notas. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
Às vezes, pode ser um pouco desafiador de usar. Ao tentar salvar e você não pode salvar sem ter certeza de marcar todas as caixas primeiro. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
We use one of Bonterra's products (Apricot360) on a daily basis. We have over 20 individual programs across several functions (housing, domestice violence, workforce, client emrgency services, etc.) using it 24/7. I personally consider myself to be an expert on the application having done 90% of the development, reports, and other related tasks/projects involving their product.
One of the best thing about Bonterra (specifically the product we use: Apricot360) is the ability to get ahold of a customer service rep. as compared to other applications (e.g. Ceridian Dayforce) where it takes sometimes weeks to hear back from someone. Also, the individuals we are often assigned as our main POC have been great. The one-offs where the person we were assigned was not great or did not do a good job did not last long as it seems Bonterra takes pride in providing the best support possible.
Outside of the customer service, the forms/templates customability is very easy which makes implementing programs on the application easier than other applications and also makes integrating the processes into their day-to-day easier as well (because the learning curve on how to use the product is small). It does not need a person to be technical and only really requires some thought about data collection. In our case we needed to ensure the forms are connected properly because we dump data nightly into our on-site DB's for reporting, but if we didn't need to do that then it really doesn't need much to build. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
The pricing of their products are a little high considering the options available. Licensing users is the biggest, unneccessary, expense.
In terms of the product we use specifically, Apricot360, the biggest challenge was reporting. The native reporting environment is challenging to work with. If you need a report or metric that falls even slightly outside of the simple reporting options, then you are completly out of luck. It often lags or crashes when creating larger than 4 section reports. Reports are corrupted over the smallest things (sorting a single value as an example) which oftens leads to lost work. Their solution was to start having us use Results Reporting.
The Results Reporting module is very cumbersome. Learning how to program in mySQL or SQL is 1000% easier than trying to learn how to use their Results Reporting module. Of course there are trainings to help learn how to report in Results Reporting, but those are not free and are very expensive (>$1000 per person) and it only goes over the basics. Our answer was to get a data dump and import it into our own environment to report on. Getting to that point was a headache not only because it was difficult to get a hold of someone who knew what we were trying to accomplish, but also to understand the underlying table structure was just bananas (most likely because of the rapid dev environment, but the tables and how things are stored DO NOT MAKE SENSE from a DBA standpoint or a data analyst standpoint). Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
Uma loja única para o que eu preciso em relação à entrada e saída de informações. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
Realmente, a única desvantagem para mim é que ele expira meu login e me vejo fazendo login novamente - apenas um inconveniente, na verdade. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
É fácil fazer upload de informações ou documentos. As notas de caso são fáceis de criar. Tem 3 maneiras fáceis de localizar o arquivo de caso dos participantes. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
É um bom produto, mas tem algumas coisas que eu mudaria para tornar os erros mais fáceis de corrigir do que são. Não consegui mudar algo enquanto digitava e não consegui corrigir o erro que cometi. Ainda tentando corrigir. Adicionei uma pessoa duas vezes em um programa e não consegui excluir uma do caso. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
O sistema é muito conciso, tem um ótimo suporte ao cliente e possui uma série de recursos úteis que são fáceis de navegar depois de um curto período de exploração. É muito fácil fazer alterações/correções e inserir qualquer informação necessária. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
Navegar para dashboards/perfis de clientes fechados pode ser um pouco frustrante, já que não são tão rapidamente acessíveis quanto os dashboards de clientes ativos, mas ainda é muito simples chegar até eles. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
As a data manager for our awesome team, I really enjoy being able to build forms in Apricot that allow us to capture the team's work. The ability to create forms as detailed and intricate as possible allows us to report what the work truly looks like. We are able to better tell the story of our work with data and our team's testimonies. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
I don't like that there seem to often be glitches and the long loading periods for when reports are too large. We have to create large reports often due to the unique work our team preforms and the huge impact we have on community. Without large, intricate reports we cannot fully capture the scope of work our team does. I've used the chat feature a few times, I will say that everyone that has helped me has been super professional and knowledgable. I really apprecitate their support, they are usually able to help me figure out what's going wrong! Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
I appreciate all the features and customer support. Although there is a learning curve, I like that anything can be fixed if you make a mistake while learning. I also appreciate all the tutorials, articles, and videos that show you how to use the product. Those have been very helpful. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
There are some features that I hope Bonterra adds in the future to help make using their products even better and easier. But overall, there isn't much I dislike. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.