We performed dynamic analyses in file, domain, and URL analyses quite easily and conveniently. Different operating system options, various browser choices, and features like fake net were very useful for us. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
Sometimes, we experience slowdowns and errors when switching between tasks. As a result, we may encounter difficulties accessing the interface. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
87 de 88 Avaliações Totais para ANY.RUN Sandbox
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What I like most about ANY RUN is that I have access to a controlled and secure environment at no additional cost, and I use it to perform analysis of possible security events.
We can also view in detail the processes and services executed during the scan emulation.
It is very easy to use, implementing its tools is very didactic, in case I could not perform a scan, the support contacts have always been available to resolve any of my questions.
In my area of work, the daily use of ANY RUN is very useful, since there are many cases of phishing reports that we must investigate.
If you are looking for a new tool to help you easily integrate with your work requirements, this is your best option since it is very easy to integrate into cybersecurity Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
I have not yet found any negative points in using the tool, although like all Any Runs it seeks to automate its system on a daily basis. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
ANY.RUN sticht als außergewöhnliche Malware-Analyseplattform hervor, die genau das liefert, was Sicherheitsexperten benötigen. Die Benutzeroberfläche ist bemerkenswert intuitiv und macht komplexe Bedrohungsanalyse zugänglich, ohne dabei Leistungsfähigkeit zu opfern. Die Echtzeit-Analysefunktion bietet sofortige Einblicke in verdächtige Dateien und URLs, während das detaillierte Berichtssystem umfassende Transparenz über potenzielle Bedrohungen gewährleistet. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
Ich muss zugeben - ich habe wirklich keine negativen Punkte oder Verbesserungsvorschläge für ANY.RUN Sandbox. Als professionelle Malware-Analyseplattform erfüllt sie alle meine Erwartungen vollständig. Die Kombination aus benutzerfreundlicher Oberfläche, leistungsstarker Analyse und umfassender Berichterstattung macht sie zu einem perfekten Werkzeug für Sicherheitsprofis. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.

That it is easy to use and has awesome Cyber threats identification features. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
It's a annoying when doing an investigation, that the Any.Run Sandbox doesn´t work. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.

In a nutshell, ANY.RUN is like malware analysis on steroids. It’s user-friendly, interactive, and serves up detailed reports faster than a caffeinated squirrel. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
One minor drawback is that the free version has some limitations. For power users, this might be a tad frustrating. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.

interface simples e fácil, até mesmo usuários não técnicos podem se beneficiar com um pouco de esforço Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
pode ser seções do site personalizadas para usuários iniciantes e experientes Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
ANY.RUN is very easy to use and does its job encredibly well.
As a Cyber threat hunter and SOC Analyst, I really like to use it to test links, IP addresses and files ant ANY.RUN never disapointed me. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
Kinda recently ANY.RUN onky allowed the free use to Win 7 machines.
Nowaday, they already allow free Win 10 use, but no Win11. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
These tools allow us to verify any type of threat without affecting our platforms and show us the mds and reports that help to easily identify malware with precision and quality. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
As a point to improve, they should have compatibility with Android and iOS operating systems. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.

ANY.RUN tem uma interface de usuário muito simples e compreensível. Ele permite testar arquivos e URLs, extrair IoCs, gera um gráfico de dependência onde você pode ver quais interações foram feitas pelas amostras e recentemente adicionou uma função ChatGPT para ajudar a entender o que aconteceu. É realmente uma das melhores ferramentas disponíveis para um Analista de SOC, eu a uso quase todos os dias. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
A desvantagem é que, quando você está usando a versão gratuita, você só tem 5 minutos para seus testes. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
the process structure and the network tools are the best, I could extract informations to create specific internal rules Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
For me is the machine some times is very slow and some is hard to work Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
ANY.RUN sandbox is very rewarding, helps uncover malicious websites, especially phishing sites. It’s easy to use, reliable, and provides clear findings Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
Sometimes lacks direct threat indication; needs external sources Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.