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por Alyssa Towns
Employers issue writeups for poor performance and behavioral issues. Know what to include in a writeup and why they’re essential.

What is a writeup?

A writeup is a formal disciplinary document that employers serve to employees who have broken company policies, rules, or protocols. Depending on the scenario, an employer may write up an employee after one incident or multiple repeated behaviors.

Incidents that may warrant a writeup include poor performance of job duties, repeated tardiness, or inappropriate, personal use of company equipment. 

Employers and HR professionals rely on performance management systems to manage employee progress and performance. Companies also use this software to facilitate meaningful and ongoing discussions between managers and direct reports, especially when writeups are necessary.

Why are writeups important?

Writeups are essential for employers and employees. As an employer, providing formalized documentation like a writeup before firing an employee can help reduce or prevent wrongful termination lawsuits in states without at-will employment. These actions provide written proof that an employer and the HR team have taken all possible measures to avoid termination. 

At the same time, writeups can help employees learn how to grow as professionals and address issues at work accordingly. Depending on the severity of the misconduct, an employee may need a writeup to get back on track. 

While some behaviors will not be tolerated in a workplace setting, poor performance and tardiness can be areas of improvement for employees to fix and reconsider through a performance improvement plan (PIP).

Basic elements of writeups

Organizations should create writeup templates that meet the needs of their team members and policies. Most employee writeup documents contain the following: 

  • Identifying information about the employee, including their name, job title, and team. The report should identify all team members if an incident involves more than one employee. The individual issuing the writeup should also include their name and the date of issuance.
  • A thorough description of the behavior or performance that warranted the writeup should comprise the majority of the document. The description should include as much detail as possible, including date and timestamps, how actions played out, and who was involved. Copies of those records should also be included if there are any supporting documents to support the details provided. 
  • Company expectations and policies that the employee violated should be included and explained. For example, if an employer issues a writeup for tardiness, they should include any policies that outline expectations of timeliness and the repercussions for recurring tardiness. Employers can use time tracking software to show employees when they have gone against the company’s guidelines.
  • A plan for improvement should be outlined and agreed upon by the person issuing the writeup and the employee receiving the writeup. The writeup should clearly state what is expected of the employee going forward and what actions will be taken should their behavior not improve.
  • Signatures of acknowledgment are necessary to indicate that all parties understand the writeup and agree on the next steps.

Writeups best practices

In addition to including the information outlined above, the following best practices can increase the effectiveness and likelihood of change after issuing a writeup:

  • Understand what type of issue is at stake. Most employee writeups are either performance or behavior-related. Performance issues may need to be addressed through training and development, coaching, or mentorship programs if a knowledge gap exists. Behavioral issues causing a hostile work environment may require more customized plans of action and deeper conversations with employees. Knowing which type of issue is occurring allows employers to devise individualized  solutions rather than a one-size-fits-all approach.
  • Provide concrete examples. As much as possible, give employees concrete examples of the actions that led to a writeup and explain more appropriate behavior. This information should already be available from the description of events portion of the writeup. 
  • Set clear expectations with reasonable deadlines. When creating a plan for what needs to change, be clear with expectations and a timeline for the next steps. Avoid implementing a solution without a timeline or follow-up. Be reasonable and fair with timelines to avoid setting an employee up to fail again.

Writeups vs. write-ups

In the business world, there are various types of writeups. A writeup relating to employee issues is a formal disciplinary document issued to employees for performance or behavioral issues. A write-up in finance is an increase in the book value of an asset and sometimes occurs when a company is being acquired. 

Alyssa Towns

Alyssa Towns

Alyssa Towns works in communications and change management and is a freelance writer for G2. She mainly writes SaaS, productivity, and career-adjacent content. In her spare time, Alyssa is either enjoying a new restaurant with her husband, playing with her Bengal cats Yeti and Yowie, adventuring outdoors, or reading a book from her TBR list.

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